School address: Haggerston School, Weymouth Terrace, London E2 8LS


倫敦克尼中文學校始創於1987年 ,校舍位於倫敦克尼區 ,鄰近市中心 。 經過倫敦克尼華人中心委員以及學校教職員胼手胝足努力發展下 ,今日倫敦克尼中文學校已發展成為一所具規模性的非牟利教育機構 。從2018年7月起 ,倫敦克尼中文學校由英國倫敦藝騰協會接管 。藝騰協會是由教師 、家長和校友成立 , 辦學宗旨是致力推廣優質中國語文和中國文化教育 ,並幫助年輕人發展成長 。該校設有普通話及廣東話班多班 ,為區內學生提供全面的中文教育 。我們的學校以小班教學 ,以英國私立學校模式為基礎 ,具有良好的師生比例 ,以確保每個學生都能得到教師的充分關注 。


伦敦克尼中文学校始创于1987年 ,校舍位于伦敦克尼区 ,邻近市中心 。经过伦敦克尼华人中心委员以及学校教职员胼手胝足努力发展下 ,今日伦敦克尼中文学校已发展成为一所具规模性的非牟利教育机构 。从2018年7月起 ,伦敦克尼中文学校由英国伦敦艺腾协会接管 。艺腾协会是由教师 ,家长和校友成立 ,办学宗旨是致力推广优质中国语文和中国文化教育 ,并帮助年轻人发展成长 。该校设有普通话及广东话班多班 ,为区内学生提供全面的中文教育 。我们的学校以小班教学 ,以英国私立学校模式为基础 ,具有良好的师生比例 ,以确保每个学生都能得到教师的充分关注 。


London Hackney Chinese Community School (LHCCS) is an independent, voluntary, non-profit making, non-religious & non-political organisation. We provide a range of Cantonese and Mandarin classess to those who are keen to learn the Chinese language and culture. The Chinese School was originally founded in 1987 by Hackney Chinese Community Service.  In July 2018,  London Hackney Chinese Community School is transferred to Community Cohesion Advocates Community Interest Company (CCACIC). CCACIC is formed by teachers, parents and friends of London Hackney Chinese Community School. Our School aims to promote Chinese language education and Chinese culture to children, young people and parents from all backgrounds. The School is fortunate in having excellent teaching facilities, with light buildings (a Listed Building designed by the famous architect Goldfinger) set in very pleasant grounds. We also have online classes to cater for those who prefer to learn Chinese in the comfort of their own homes, this is especially helpful for those who live outside London or are based in a different country. Our Chinese School is well subscribed and well loved by our children and parents. We  pride ourselves on having the expertise in teaching Chinese as a foreign langauge, and we use English to supplement our teaching so that students from a non-Chinese background can learn Chinese with confidence. This is particuarly helpful for students coming from a non-Chinese background. We celebrate diversity and we  provide an inclusive, caring and engaging learning environment for our students. Our classess have good teacher-student ratios and  our teaching methods are well received by our parents and students.



London Hackney Chinese Community School Headteacher & School Governor receives Awards from Baroness Uddin at the UK Parliament

We are delighted to announce that our Volunteer Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok received the 2023 Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) 10th Woman Volunteer of the Year Award from Baroness Uddin and Cllr Louise Hyams, Deputy Lord Mayor of Westminster at the House of Lords in London, on 10 November 2023, in recognition of her contributions towards our London Hackney Chinese Community School over the past two decades.

We would also like to congratulate our School Governor Mrs. Helen Marisa Fung on winning the 2023 Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) Lord Sheikh's Lifetime Achievements Award. Helen has also dedicated her life to serving society and made a difference in people's lives.

Bonnie and Helen said: "These prestigious awards represent the collective effort of all our volunteers for their valuable work in promoting Chinese culture and education more widely to people from all backgrounds, to foster community cohesion, and to support equality, diversity and inclusion. We are grateful to receive the love and support from our friends and family at CCACIC, including Dr. Michael Wan, Ying Yu, Ben Lau, Florence Fu Jenny Loo Sue Bulmer, Jessie Wan, Issac Zhang, Mrs. Tam, Winty Ng and from all our students, parents, guardians and volunteer teachers since our School's establishment in 1987."

Special thanks go to our teaching team Ben Lau, Ying Yu, Vincy Lau, Ping He, Lisa Pang, Astrid Kong, Sugar Leung, Cathy Looi, Lin Zhang, Lillian Li, Carmen Wong and Ronald Chan for their dedication towards our School.

We would also like to thank Dr. Michael Wan, Chair of our not-for-profit organisation Community Cohesion Advocates CIC (CCACIC) and our School Governor, for nominating Bonnie and Helen for this year's awards. Thanks also to the Panel of Judges for the recognition.

Volunteering allows us to connect to our community and make it a better place, to make a positive difference to people's' lives. All our volunteer teachers have found it a very meaningful experience, and appreciate the opportunity to utilise their skills and knowledge in teaching Chinese language, culture and traditions to benefit the local community of Hackney and beyond.

Thank you again all for your support and we wish our School a continued success.



London Hackney Chinese Community School Headteacher Dr. Kwok celebrated Chinese New Year at No. 10 Downing Street

Our Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok was honoured to attend the Prime Minister’s Lunar New Year Reception at No. 10 Downing Street yesterday evening, representing CCACIC Hackney Chinese Community School.

At the reception, Rishi Sunak’s speech was energetic and engaging, acknowledging the important contributions by the UK Asian community towards British life and economy. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt also congratulated all the guests on their individual achievements and contributions. It was also lovely for the guests to meet Larry the cat, who greeted everyone at the front hall.

As we step into the Year of the Rabbit, the Prime Minister’s Lunar New Year celebration event provided an excellent opportunity for Hackney Chinese Community School to reflect on the social value and impact of our Chinese language and culture education service in the past year. This included our students’ excellent results in GCSE Chinese (A*/Grade 9), our architecture and urban design career workshops, plus many other Chinese cultural activities that we provided to improve our students’ and parents’ physical and mental health and well-being.

We would like to thank Rosemarie and all the staff at No. 10 Downing Street for the amazing Lunar New Year Reception. We would also like to thank Alan Mak MP and Cathy Watts, founders of the Blosson Awards, for their immense effort in organising the Blossom Award, which celebrates the success and contribution of the British-Chinese Community to our national life. Bonnie's winning of the 2021 Blossom Award (Education Category) has given significant prestige to her work with children and young people at our School.

We hope to continue the excellent Chinese education and youth engagement work here at London Hackney Chinese Community School to support our young children and young people with their development.



Head of Mandarin receiving the 2023 UKAPCE Best Teacher Award

Many congratulationsto Ms. Ying Yu, Head of Mandarin at London Hackney Chinese Community School for being awarded the Best Teacher Award by the United Kingdom Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE). Ms. Yu has been working exceptionally hard for our school in terms of promoting the Chinese language, culture and traditions more widely to children and parents from all backgrounds. She also makes an important contribution towards our school's fundraising events. We are all very proud of her achievements and she is a deserving winner of this prestigious award.


The Blossom Awards 2021 - Education Award - 教育組別獎項 


我很榮幸在 2021 年 12 月17 日獲得 The Blossom Awards 2021 - Education Award - 教育組別獎項 ,該獎項旨在表彰生活在英國的華人在推動教育方面作出的貢獻 ,以及對學生的個人發展產生了正面的影響 。

我衷心感謝 The Blossom Awards  的聯合創始人 : 英國第一位華裔國會議員Alan Mak MP 和  Cathy Watts 設立了這個意義重大的獎項 ,以表揚英籍華人對英國社會各方面的貢獻 。很高興在頒獎禮當晚聽到英國國會議員 Mak MP 和教育大臣 Nadhim Zahawi 的演講 ,非常鼓舞人心 。

我要感謝英國倫敦藝藤協會 Community Cohesion Advocates CIC (CCACIC) 的所有成員— Michael 、Helen 、Jenny 、Florence 、Jessie 、譚太 、Ben 、Ying 、Sue 、Barney 、Bowie 、Issac 和 Winty,以及倫敦克尼中文學校所有家長 、學生 、老師和校董 ,提名我競逐這個獎項 。 我衷心希望與大家分享這個獎項 ,因為這個獎項實在是屬於大家的 , 這個獎項是對我們優秀團隊合作成就的認可 ,表揚大家努力不懈地廣推廣中國文化 ,更讓大家認識到包容性和多樣性的重要 ,幫助我們中文學校的學生充分發揮潛能 ,並凝聚社區力量 。

我要感謝我們的 CCACIC 主席兼校董 Michael Wan 博士,他也被提名及入圍為 The Blossom Awards Award - Engineering and Science Award - 工程科技組別獎項 ,以表揚他在英國工程科技方面作出的貢獻 ,以及他對我們的非牟利組織 CCACIC 及倫敦克尼中文學校作出的努力 。

我們將繼續努力 ,群策群力 ,宣揚中國文化和傳統 ,為大家提供高質素的中文教育服務 !

我謹此再次感謝各位對我們中文學校的支持 !





The Blossom Awards 2021 - Education Award - 教育组别奖项 


我很荣幸在 2021 年 12 月17 日获得 The Blossom Awards 2021 - Education Award - 教育组别奖项 ,该奖项旨在表彰生活在英国的华人在推动教育方面作出的贡献 ,以及对学生的个人发展产生了正面的影响 。

我衷心感谢 The Blossom Awards  的联合创始人 : 英国第一位华裔国会议员Alan Mak MP 和  Cathy Watts 设立了这个意义重大的奖项 ,以表扬英籍华人对英国社会各方面的贡献 。 很高兴在颁奖礼当晚听到英国国会议员 Mak MP 和教育大臣 Nadhim Zahawi 的演讲 ,非常鼓舞人心 。

我要感谢英国伦敦艺藤协会 Community Cohesion Advocates CIC (CCACIC) 的所有成员— Michael 、Helen 、Jenny 、Florence 、Jessie 、谭太 、Ben 、Ying 、Sue 、Barney 、Bowie 、Issac 和 Winty,以及伦敦克尼中文学校所有家长 、学生 、老师和校董 ,提名我竞逐这个奖项 。 我衷心希望与大家分享这个奖项 ,因为这个奖项实在是属于大家的 , 这个奖项是对我们优秀团队合作成就的认可 ,表扬大家努力不懈地广推广中国文化 ,更让大家认识到包容性和多样性的重要 ,帮助我们中文学校的学生充分发挥潜能 ,并凝聚社区力量 。

我要感谢我们的 CCACIC 主席兼校董 Michael Wan 博士,他也被提名及入围为 The Blossom Awards Award - Engineering and Science Award - 工程科技组别奖项 ,以表扬他在英国工程科技方面作出的贡献 ,以及他对我们的非牟利组织 CCACIC 及伦敦克尼中文学校作出的努力 。

我们将继续努力 ,群策群力 ,宣扬中国文化和传统 ,为大家提供高质素的中文教育服务 !

我谨此再次感谢各位对我们中文学校的支持 !



Our London Hackney Chinese Community School Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok received the prestigious Blossom Awards in December 2021

Here is Bonnie's Thank You speech:

I am very honoured to receive the The Blossom Awards 2021 - Education Award on 17 December 2021, which aims to recognise individuals 'from the British-Chinese Community who are making an important difference to students lives through education at any level'.

My sincere thanks to Alan Mak MP and Cathy Watts , Co-Founders of The Blossom Awards, for organising this meaningful award to celebrate the success and contribution of British-Chinese people to our national life. It was very inspiring to hear the speeches by Alan Mak MP - first British government MP of an ethnic Chinese origin and Nadhim Zahawi - Secretary of State for Education.

I would like to thank all family members of Community Cohesion  Advocates CIC (CCACIC) - Michael, Helen, Jenny, Florence, Jessie, Mrs. Tam, Ben, Ying, Sue, Barney, Bowie, Issac and Winty, and all parents, students, teachers and school governors of London Hackney Chinese Community School, for nominating me for this prestigious award. I would like to share this inaugural award with all of you, as this is a recognition of the accomplishments of our excellent teamwork , in promoting the Chinese culture more widely recognising the importance of inclusion and diversity, to help our students realise their full potential, and to help foster strong social cohesion.

I would like to acknowledge Dr. Michael Wan, our Chairman and our School Governor, who has also been a nominee for The Blossom Awards  Award - Engineering and Science Award, for his contributions towards London Hackney Chinese Community School. 

We will continue to work hard to keep up our good work!

Dr. Bonnie Kwok, Headteacher

Click the icons below to view our social media channels for latest news!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get the latest updates from us!

1. We are accepting new students for school year 2024/2025. We provide both in-person and online classes for studying Cantonese and Mandarin. First lesson starts on 14 September 2024. Please click the button below for school fee information.

Enrolment steps:

1) Fill in the Enrolment Form 

2) Fill in the CCA Membership Form

3) Make school fee payment by bank transfer

4) Email Headteacher Dr. Kwok to confirm enrolment and school fee payment

Enrolment enquiries: 07949431548


2. Well done to all our students, parents and teachers for performing at our 2023 Christmas Party Celebration. Click on the button below to watch a playback of the performances:

3. Many thanks to everyone for supporting our 2024 Barclays Bank Match Fund Dragon Boat Festival Celebration & Fundraiser on 15.06.2024 at our Haggerston School campus. We had a lot of fun learning about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, and took part in a Dragon Boat origami workshop and a rice dumpling workshop workshop. Thank you all for your support.

4. We had fun celebrating King Charles' Conronation on 06.05.23. Many thanks for our Parent Meg Liu for producing this wonderful video for us showing highlights of our activities:

5. GCSE and A-level Chinese online classes available. Enrolment takes place throughout the year. Please email Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok - if you wish to enquire about our Chinese lessons.

6. We have produced a new series of YouTube videos to support our students with their online learning after class. The following video is about 'How to order food in a Chinese restaurant'. Subscibe to our YouTube channel to view our latest learning videos covering speaking and writing stroke order:

7. London Hackney Chinese Community School was featured on BBC1 Inside Out London on 30.03.2020 for its committment to providing valuabe support to all members of its school community to deal with the Covid19 pandemic positively. Watch how we support our school community via the link:

8. Working in partnership with Westminster Libraries - Charing Cross Library, we have been running a series of free in-person and online Chinese cultural activities for everyone. Click the link below to review our online Adult Mandarin Taster Course for Absolute Beginners (took place on 28 July 2021) which was fun and well received. Subscribe to our Youtube channel to obtain the latest free Chinese learning videos for our international community.

For all enquiries, please contact our Headteacher:

Dr. Bonnie Kwok


Phone number/電話: 07949431548


我們正在接受 2024/2025 學年的新生登記 :

所有中文課程於週六上午上課 - see button below for detailed timetable for both in-person and online classes. All Chinese classess are run on Saturdays 。

點擊此處下載報名表 :

Click the following buttons to download information on:

Other News


1. New "Support Us" page added. We are a not-for-profit organisation that aims to benefit all members of our community with a strong focus on developing children's mental and physical development through Chinese language and culture. Please support us to allow us to carry on our valuable service for our community. You can now click the "Donate Now" button below to support us


2. Our Online Book Shop is now open! Buy you Chinese learning materials here! Click here to visit us! 

Document Download 文件下载 / 文件下載

保障兒童政策文件下載 / 保障儿童政策文件下载 

Click the following button to download 'London Hackney Chinese Community School Safeguarding Children Policy'.

學費退款政策文件下載 / 学费退款政策下载 

Click the following button to download 'London Hackney Chinese Community School School Fee Refund Policy.

餵哺母乳政策下載 / 喂哺母乳政策下载 

Click the following button to download 'London Hackney Chinese Community School Course Fees Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy' (June 2020).

London Hackney Chinese Community School runs Mandarin and Cantonese classes using interactive teaching methods. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: to find out more about our school activities.


Photos of recent School Celebrations 

2023 聖誕節慶祝活動 Christmas Celebration

2023 黑人歷史月 Black History Month

2023 中秋節慶祝活動 (校外)

2023 Moon Festival Celebration at Charing Cross Library

2023 中秋節慶祝活動

2023 Moon Festival Celebration 

2023 查理斯國王加冕典禮

King Charles Coronation Celebration

Congratulationsfrom CCACIC London Hackney Chinese Community School to His Majesty King Charles III and Queen Camilla on their coronations. Today we celebrated the Coronation by having a Big Coronation Party, singing our national anthem 'God save the King', sharing delicious food and laughter. We also discussed the meaning of the Coronation and its relevance to our lives and own identity. Manycongratulationsto winners of our Crown Design Competition! Watch our school's Coronation Celebration using the following link - kindly produced by our parent Meg Liu:

英國倫敦藝騰協會屬下倫敦克尼中文學校誠意祝賀查理斯三世國王和卡米拉王后加冕 。 今天我們中文學校舉行了盛大的加冕派對 ,唱了我們的國歌《God save the King》,亦分享了美食和歡笑 ,我們以此來慶祝國王加冕 。此外 , 我們亦討論了加冕禮的意義及其與我們的生活和身份的相關性 。恭喜我們皇冠設計比賽的獲獎同學及家長 。

2024 Barclays Bank Match Fund 端午節慶祝活動及粽子工作坊

Dragon Boat Festival Celebration & Rice Dumpling Workshop

2023 農曆新年慶祝活動

Chinese New Year Celebration

London Hackney Chinese Community School - 2024 Copyright Reserved