您的支持对我们很重要 ,请帮助我们让中文学校继续提供有价有意义的的服务 。请通过捐赠/加入我们的志愿者团队来支持我们 。

您的支持對我們很重要 ,請幫助我們讓中文學校繼續提供有價值有意義的服務 。請通過捐贈/加入我們的志願者團隊來支持我們 。

Your suppot is important to us. Please support us by donating to us. You can also suppot us by joining our volunteering team.

慈善捐赠 慈善捐贈 DONATION

You can make a donation to us by bank transfer BACS. Our bank account details are as follows:

Bank name: Barclays Bank (Business Account)

Account name: Community Cohesion Advocates CIC

Sort code: 20-05-73

Account number: 43688046

Please quote reference "GIFT"


We are always looking for volunteers to support our work.

Our current vacacnies include:

- Mandarin Teacher

- Cantonese Teacher

- Teaching Assistant

- Tuckshop Assistant

- Extra-curricular Activities Assistant

Please send your CV to Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok and outline your area of interests. Email: bonniekwok88@hotmail.com

We pay travel expenses and training to all our volunteers. Apart from Teacher and Teaching Assistant posts, all other posts do not require native speakers of Mandnarin or Cantonese.

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