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關於本校 About Us
London Hackney Chinese Community School's mission is to promote Chinese language education and Chinese culture to people from all backgrounds. We are also committed to developing our students' learning and social skills. We adopt an Inclusive, Caring and Engaging approach towards our teaching.
學校方針 Key Objectives
1. To provide an inclusive, caring and engaging learning environment for our students.
2. To deliver high quality Chinese language teaching that meets the individual learning needs of our students.
3. To be renowned for our influence over the Chinese language learning and teaching both locally and nationally.
學校結構 Management Structure
倫敦克尼中文學校為英國中文學校聯會及英國中文教育促進會會員,由中文學校的十多名教師 、資深華人中心全職職員及多名校董會成員共同管理。倫敦克尼華中文學校的教師擁有大學學歷或師範學歷 ,並具有多年豐富的教學經驗。
倫敦克尼中文學校依據課程深度 ,開辦了廣東話班及普通話班課程 。基於在英國本土教授第二種語言的困難 ,本校盡量採用輕鬆有趣的方式授課 ,並加入英國本土文化及節目作為輔助教學題材 ,務求學生能將課堂上所學之中文知識融入日常生活中 ,提高學習效果。
倫敦克尼中文學校設有 GCSE 及 A-Level 課程 ,在過去二十年來 ,我們的學生考取了A *,A 或 B 級 優秀成績 。隨著近年中國踏入世界貿易組織之門 ,普通話在世界的地位亦不斷提高 ,備受各國工商機構重視 ,倫敦克尼學校根據這種趨勢 ,開設了多班普通話班及成人普通話班,廣受家長及學生的歡迎 。
London Hackney Chinese Community School is run by a Management Team which consists of School Governors, a School Management Team with strong supoort from our Parent-Teacher Association.
All our dedicated teachers are university graduates and professionals from diverse academic backgrounds with teaching experience. To ensure a consistent deliverance of high-quality teaching, all our teachers and teaching assistants attend training courses on a regular basis.
上課時間 School Terms
一個學年 (9月至7月) 分為三個學期 ,共 30 節課,包括3次學期小休 。學校的上課時間為週六上午 。(中間有小息時間)
The School runs approximately 30 lessons over three terms, from September to Jul,y include a half-term holiday in each term. School hours: Saturday mornings (inclusive of a short break)
學費及入學報名 Tuition Fees 2024/2025
Cick the button below for school fee information
新生可在每學期初入學 ,新學期為每九月 ,一月及四月 。歡迎查詢及預約時間到本校參觀 。
請聯聯絡校長郭藍莉博士 : 電話 07949431548 (星期一至五 ,上午9點至晚上6點 ) 或電郵 查詢 。
The School accepts new pupils at the beginning of each term, i.e. the beginning of September, January and April. The school welcomes visits by appointment. Please telephone Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok on 07949431548 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm) or email: to make an appointment if you wish to visit our school.
教材 Teaching Materials
學校主要採用由英國中文學校聯會及中國暨南大學出版的教材 ,教師在授廣東話課時也會採用由香港出版的書籍 。
Our School uses materials published by the United Kingdom Federation of Chinese Schools (UKFCS) and Jinan University. Our Cantonese classes are complimented by textbooks imported from Hong Kong. Our GCSE syllabus is based on the Edexcel Pearson exam board.
課外活動 Cultural and Recreational Activities
除了上課 ,我們還舉辦不同類型的文化活動及表演節目 ,如中國書法比賽 、論文寫作 、海報和卡設計 、唱歌跳舞等 ,以增強教學和學習效果 。我們學校還與來自世界各地的教育工作者一起舉辦文化交流活動 ,開拓我們的學生的視野 。
Besides textbooks, our School also provides recreational and cultural activities to support students’ education. Every year, we organise cultural performance shows, competitions in Chinese calligraphy, essay writing, poster and card designs to engage our stidents in the Chinese learning process. Our School also participates culture exchange activities with educators from all over the world, where local artists are invited to run art workshops with our students and parents.
學校獎項 Awards
我們學校鼓勵老師和學生參加公開比賽 。自學校開學以來 ,我們的老師和學生都獲得了無數獎項 ,其中包括 有英國中文學校聯會及英國中文教育促進會舉辦的中國詩歌朗誦比賽 ,中國書法比賽和中國散文寫作比賽等獎項 。學校的活動信息也定期刊登在學校社交媒體 Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram 及本地報紙如Hackney Gazette,Hackney Today 和中歐報紙 “星島日報” 。
Our school encourages both teachers and students to participate in open competitions. Over the past two decades, both our teachers and students have won numerous awards, these include awards in the UKFCS and UKAPCE Chinese poem reading competitions, Chinese calligraphy competitions and Chinese essay writing competitions. Details of the School’s activities are regularly featured in the School's social media platform such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and newspapers such as Hackney Gazette, Hackney Today and major Chinese-European newspaper Sing Tao Daily.
Rice-dumpling workshop
Summer carnival
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