家长意见对我们很重要 ,因为它有助于我们改善服务 ,对于老师亦是一种鼓励 。多年来 ,我们收到了很多家长的正面评价 。以下是我们家长的正面评价 :
家長意見對我們很重要 ,因為它有助於我們改善服務 ,對於老師亦是一種鼓勵 。多年來 ,我們收到了很多家長的正面評價 。以下是我們家長的一些評價 :
Feedback is important to us because it helps us improve our service. Positive feedback gives our dedicated teachers recognition for their excellent work. Over the years we have received a lot of positive feedback from our parents. Here are some of our parents' comments on our school.
Comments by Parent Aneta Stanev - Children from non-Chinese background - August 2018:
我已经认识郭校长和伦敦克尼中文学校将近六年了。我的儿子 Victor 和 Robert 在这里学习普通话 。教师教学非常好 ,伦敦克尼中文学校提供理想学习环境 。我看到我的孩子们都对学习中文有信心 。学校的伟大之处在于除了教中文语言 ,还教中国历史和文化 。我的儿子期待着周六的早晨学习普通话 !他们喜欢到伦敦克尼中文学校学习普通话 ,与朋友一起玩 ,小息时打乒乓球以及参加其他学校活动 。他们非常自豪能够在与朋友分享他们在伦敦克尼中文学校的学习经验 。
我已經認識郭校長和倫敦克尼中文學校將近六年了。我的兒子 Victor 和 Robert 在這裡學習普通話 。教師教學非常好 ,倫敦克尼中文學校提供理想學習環境 。我看到我的孩子們都對學習中文有信心 。學校的偉大之處在於除了教中文語言 ,還教中國歷史和文化 。我的兒子期待著周六的早晨學習普通話 !他們喜歡到倫敦克尼中文學校學習普通話 ,與朋友一起玩 ,小息時打乒乓球以及參加其他學校活動 。他們非常自豪能夠在與朋友分享他們在倫敦克尼中文學校的學習經驗 。
I have known Bonnie and London Hackney Chinese Community School for almost six years now. My sons Victor and Robert have been learning Mandarin as a foreign language at the School. The teaching is absolutely fantastic! The family-friendly atmosphere is the perfect environment for any parent wanting the best for their children. I have watched each of my children grow in confidence and skills in applying the Chinese language since they have started studying at the Chinese School. One of the great things about the Cchool is that Robert and Victor are not only learning a new language, but also a new culture! They have also learnt about the Chinese history and develop social skills. They look forward to Saturday mornings to attend their Chinese classes! They love learning Mandarin, play with their friends, table tennis during the break and all other school activities in the lovely campus. They are very proud to share their experiences of learning Mandarin with their friends.
Comments by Parent Jessie So - Children from Chinese background - August 2018:
我们的女儿子屏自二零一六年在伦敦克尼中文学校上学 ,转眼快已两年了。我们很高兴看到她的中文在听 、讲 、读 、写各方面都有很大进步 。更重要的是 : 子屏对学习中文的态度 ,已从以前的抗拒 、害怕 ,变得积极 、主动 。现在她能更有自信地讲中文 ,且每个星期都十分期待到学校上课 ,这是令我们感到非常安慰的 。我很欣赏伦敦克尼中文学校上学的小班教学模式和活动教学法 ,让学生可在轻松和愉快的环境下学习中文 ,效果事半功倍 。这两年 ,我们感受到伦敦克尼中文学校校长和全体老师对敎授中文和中国文化的热诚和所付出的努力 。在此我们要特别感谢郭校长和刘老师对子屏的悉心敎导和照顾 。
我們的女兒子屏自二零一六年在倫敦克尼中文學校上學 ,轉眼快已兩年了。我們很高興看到她的中文在聽 、講 、讀 、寫各方面都有很大進步 。更重要的是 : 子屏對學習中文的態度 ,已從以前的抗拒 、害怕 ,變得積極 、主動 。現在她能更有自信地講中文 ,且每個星期都十分期待到學校上課 ,這是令我們感到非常安慰的 。我很欣賞倫敦克尼中文學校上學的小班教學模式和活動教學法 ,讓學生可在輕鬆和愉快的環境下學習中文 ,效果事半功倍 。這兩年 ,我們感受到倫敦克尼中文學校校長和全體老師對敎授中文和中國文化的熱誠和所付出的努力 。在此我們要特別感謝郭校長和劉老師對子屏的悉心敎導和照顧 。
Our daughter Tszping has been attending London Hackney Chinese Community School (LHCCS) for two years. She has progressed so well in reading, writing, listening and speaking Chinese. We have seen such a positive transformation in Tszping, in her attitude towards learning Chinese and also her confidence in speaking Chinese. We appreciate the active learning in small groups which the school adopts as it provides students with a happy classroom to learn Chinese efficiently.
Thank you very much to all dedicated teachers and staff at LHCCS for all your hard work. We would like to say a sincere thank you to Headteacher Dr. Bonnie Kwok and Ms. Lau for everything you have done for Tszping in the past two years.
Comments by Parent Debbie Leung - Children from Chinese background - August 2018:
我们一家都是在英国长大的中国人,我和我的丈夫讲的都是英语,所以我们在今年把孩子Max 和Megan 送到伦敦克尼中文学校,让他们接触到中国的文化和语言,虽然孩子们因为年纪小,不太理解和说中文,但我们对孩子们的中国学习进度感到非常满意: 特别是刘老师的教导,她真的帮助了孩子们,并且知道到他们最需要帮助的地方。我的儿子也喜欢乒乓球 ,Max 和 Megan 都结交了不少朋友 。我们一定会为孩子们在下个学年继续报读伦敦克尼中文学校 , 并推介给我们的朋友 。
我們一家都是在英國長大的中國人 ,我和我的丈夫講的都是英語 ,所以我們在今年把孩子 Max 和 Megan 送到倫敦克尼中文學校 ,讓他們接觸到中國的文化和語言 ,雖然孩子們因為年紀小 ,不太理解和說中文 ,但我們對孩子們的中國學習進度感到非常滿意 : 特別是劉老師的教導 ,她真的幫助了孩子們 ,並且知道到他們最需要幫助的地方 。我的兒子也喜歡乒乓球 ,Max 和 Megan 都結交了不少朋友 。我們一定會為孩子們在下個學年繼續報讀倫敦克尼中文學校 , 並推介給我們的朋友 。
We enrol our children Max and Megan to study at London Hackney Chinese Community School in 2018. We would like to expose them to the Chinese culture and language in a Chinese speaking enviornment. Although our families are Chinese, both myself and my husband grew up in the UK and we tend to speak English at home. So my children don't really speak Chinese or understand the language. We have been very pleased with our children's learning progress. We are pleased with Class Teacher Ms. Lau's teaching: she has really helped my children and she is skilled in identifyng the areas that they need most help. My son also enjoys the table tennis and both Max and Megan have made new friends at the Chinese School. We will definitely sign them up for next school year and we would recommend London Hackney Chinese Community School to our friends.
Comments from Yeeyang Tang - Children from mixed background (Chinese & European) - August 2018:
我的女儿 Pearlie 自去年9月到伦敦克尼中文学校学习中文 。自加入中文学校以来 ,她一直很喜欢学习广东话 。即使 Pearlie 为初学者 ,她的老师 Miss. Vincy Lau 也对 Pearlie 充满了鼓励和赞美,让她有信心去练习中文及课外学到的东西 。伦敦克尼中文学校的教科书也为汉字识别和翻译提供了积极和正面的挑战 。最重要的是,Pearlie喜欢与她在中文学校的朋友们一起学习中文 和玩耍 。
我的女兒 Pearlie 自去年9月到倫敦克尼中文學校學習中文 。 自加入中文學校以來 ,她一直很喜歡學習廣東話 。即使 Pearlie 為初學者 ,她的老師 Miss. Vincy Lau 也對 Pearlie 充滿了鼓勵和讚美,讓她有信心去練習中文及課外學到的東西 。倫敦克尼中文學校的教科書也為漢字識別和翻譯提供了積極和正面的挑戰 。最重要的是,Pearlie喜歡與她在中文學校的朋友們一起學習中文 和玩耍 。
My daughter Pearlie has been excited to learn Cantonese since she started at London Hackney Chinese Community School last September. Even as a total beginner, her teacher Ms. Vincy Lau has been full of encouragement and praise, giving Pearlie the confidence to practise what she has learnt outside of class. The textbooks have also provided a positive challenge in Chinese character recognition and translation. Above all, Pearlie has loved learning and playing with the friends she has made at London Hackney Chinese Community School.
Comments from Parent Anh Wong - Children from Chinese background - August 2018:
我们的女儿雪儿非常喜欢到伦敦克尼中文学校学习中文 ,她在学校结识了很多朋友 。她特别喜欢她的中国朋友 。她也喜欢在课堂上学习唱歌和跳舞 。
我們的女兒雪兒非常喜歡到倫敦克尼中文學校學習中文 ,她在學校結識了很多朋友 。她特別喜歡她的中國朋友 。她也喜歡在課堂上學習唱歌和跳舞 。
My daughter Amy enjoys going to London Hackney Chinese Community School to learn Chinese. She has made lots of friends at the Chinese School. She especially likes speaking to her Chinese friends. She also likes to sing Chinse songs and dance.
Comments from Parent Selwyn - Children from Chinese background - August 2018:
我是伦敦克尼中文学校基础粤语课程学生的家长 。我亦是最近成立的伦敦克尼中文学校家长教师会(PTA)的成员 。最近家长教师会的项目Summer Fayre 夏季嘉年华会给我机会与其他家长和学校领导联系 。通过参与家长教师会 ,我意识到教学管理团队如何为学校努力工作 , 使学校取得成功 。教学管理团队除了提供优秀的教学 ,还有组织许多额外的课程活动 。我很高兴家长教师会可以支持中文学校 。我亦很高兴将我的工作技能贡献中文学校 !我之前没有参加过家长教师会 ,我觉得这是一次美好的经历 。
我是倫敦克尼中文學校基礎粵語課程學生的家長 。我亦是最近成立的倫敦克尼中文學校家長教師會(PTA)的成員 。最近家長教師會的項目Summer Fayre 夏季嘉年華會給我機會與其他家長和學校領導聯繫 。通過參與家長教師會 ,我意識到教學管理團隊如何為學校努力工作 , 使學校取得成功 。教學管理團隊除了提供優秀的教學 ,還有組織許多額外的課程活動 。我很高興家長教師會可以支持中文學校 。我亦很高興將我的工作技能貢獻中文學校 !我之前沒有參加過家長教師會 ,我覺得這是一次美好的經歷 。
I am a parent of a student in the Foundation Cantonese class. I am on the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of London Hackney Chinese Community School which was formed recently. The immediate project we have been working on is the Summer Fayre. It has been a great way to connect with other parents and school leaders and rewarding to work together drawing on different skills and ideas. Through my involvement, I have realised how hard the teaching management team work in making the school a success, not just in the classroom but with the many extra curricular activities. It is good we now have a PTA that can support the good work of London Hackney Chinese Community School. The PTA has been an opportunity to use my work skills for a community cause. Being on the PTA has also given me opportunity to develop new skills that I didnt know I had! I haven't been on a PTA before and I have found it a rewarding experience.
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