倫敦克尼華人中文學校活動 London Hackney Chinese Community School Events
Table tennis is fun, great for fitness and for developing hand eye co-ordination. It can be played by all ages and abilities - boys and girls can play together, so its ideal for our mixed classes. Our vision is for a vibrant and healthy table tennis club that thrives on providing enjoyable tennis playing opportunities for our students, parents and teachers.
The Hackney Chinese Communtiy School Table Tennis Club provides 20-minute sessions (11:00 11:20) of table tennis coaching across the range of ages and abilities during term times. It is co-ordinated jointly by Club Manager Mr. Ben Lau, Club Leader Mr. Foon and Club Captain Jeremy Lau. We provide a large number of brand new table tennis tables for our Club members to practise and improve their table tennis skills.
The aims of the Hackney Chinese Communtiy School Table Tennis Club are as follows:
To improve the health and well-being of our students, parents and teachers by encouraging them to take part in table tennis.
To make the sport more readily accessible to all members of Hackney Chinese Community School.
To provide a welcoming, safe, responsible & relaxing atmosphere for all members of Hackney Chinese Community School.
To encourage more people, particularly our students and parents, to contribute to the running and vitality of the Hackney Chinese Community SChool Table Tennis Club.
To facilitate opportunities for our students to develop their table tennis playing abilities and to progress in the sport.
2012 克尼華人中文學校籌款晚會將於2012年4月29日,假座倫敦中國城酒家舉行。希望大家多多支持。Please click on the following link to view photos of Chinese School Fund Raising Dinner 2012. 按此處回顧當晚盛況
2011 克尼華人中文學校籌款晚會於2011年3月13日,假座倫敦香港城酒家舉行。Please click on the following link to view photos of Chinese School Fund Raising Dinner 2011 按此處回顧當晚盛況